Structured Color Block Sweater (Burda 09/2016 #124)

This pattern by Burda caught my eye the moment I saw it. I loved the different color options that could be done with each pattern piece, and knew I wanted to make it.

color block.jpg

I have a color board on Pinterest and went and found an interesting color scheme I wanted to try this pattern in. So using this image as my guide…


…I went to JoAnn to see if they had any fabric close to these colors. They had some nice ponte knit in olive, blush and cream that I loved, so I grabbed them and got to work.

Now, sometimes Burda patterns can be a little vague in their instructions, so I was curious to see how this pattern would be because of all the pattern pieces involved in this design. I thought this pattern was pretty straightforward and clear in the directions. I didn't have any trouble, except I had to unpick the front center seam and sew it again because the lines didn't quite line up, and with this design it had to be right on, or it would have been very noticeable. ;)

This sweater sewn up in the ponte knit, makes for a super comfortable top! I wore it three days in a row after first making it. ;) I love it because it's not only comfortable, but cute and unique as well.

I recommend this pattern to any advanced beginner-intermediate seamstress out there, try it out! You'll love it!


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